Episode 15 | Dating in the Margins: A.I. for Accessibility & Non-Traditional Romance with Michele Abraham
In Episode 15 of the SensuElle Podcast, Ari interviews Founder + Data Scientist, Michele Abraham (she/her). Michele tells us how about her mission to abolish discrimination as a Black Female Technologist, and the toll this journey has taken on her sensuality.
Michele answers burning questions; why the data does not currently exist for the Neurodiverse, Non-traditional, and Accessibility communities in AI we use every day, creating a seat at the table with Holistic AI, and taking care of her sensual side after a career pivot from film to technology.
Michele answers Burning Questions:
✨ Why AI data does not currently exist for the Neurodiverse, Non-traditional, and Accessibility communities
✨ How she’s creating a seat at the table with Holistic AI
✨ Taking care of her sensual side after a career pivot from film to technology
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Featured in this Episode
Michele Abraham
Community Builder, Founder, AI and Data Researcher in Neurodivergence and Accessibility